It’s likely that you’ve played with sex toys before, perhaps a cock ring or a vibrating toy. You may even own a whip. Then you may want to consider incorporating anal beads into your bedroom collection.
Anal beads aren’t meant for sphincters; they’re sex toys focused on the butt. It gets its name from the fact that the bulbs are attached to a cord, like beads.
However, people sometimes confuse anal beads with butt plugs, which are different beasts. It is easiest to distinguish anal beads from plugs since they tend to be longer whereas plugs are, as their names suggest, shorter and resemble plugs.
When using butt plugs, the sensation associated with their use is the sensation of fullness or the feeling of the toy’s weight, while with anal beads, most of the sensations are caused by pulling them out.
The size of each bead may gradually increase as the string is wound, or it may be the same size up the string. If you’d like to learn more about this must-have toy in butt playing, keep reading!
Anal beads: what are they?
Even if you have never imagined yourself as a butt-struck lass, anal beads provide an enjoyable experience that’s completely different from penetrative sex.
There are various types of anal beads (most commonly spheres, but they may also be ovals or pills) attached to a string of varying lengths.
On the end is a stopper, a loop or something similar, so that it can be inserted and removed. In addition to that, it also prevents the toy from completely entering your body.
Still, the best ones are those made of silicone (including beads and strings), which is flexible, safe, and easy to use.
Why do people use anal beads?
When someone wants to experiment with butt play, anal beads might feel easier to them. With a hands-free toy, you can also do multiple things at once. Wear these while you trigger your partner’s or your senses!
The wearing of anal beads can enhance sensation during intercourse, especially when they are removed during orgasm. Others, however, like using them for foreplay.
Anal beads serve one purpose: pleasure. When stimulated, you can get pleasure from the nerves at the entrance of the anus.
With a vulva, the vaginal canal is stimulated through the backspace, producing a sense of fullness. For men with the penis, the anal beads are pressed against the prostate, commonly referred to as a male G-spot. One of the best things about anal beads is that they boost pleasure when performing any sexual act, no matter what your body type or partner combination is.
You can play any way you want as long as you both agree and it’s safe.
How do anal beads work?
Anal beads are commonly used to enhance orgasms during sex. It is inserted slowly into the butt and is removed at varying speeds before or during an orgasm.
Anal openings are stretched each time a ball pops through them, igniting that nerve-rich region like nothing else. Consequently, while butt plugs provide a sense of sustained fullness, anal beads provide a variety of sensations that continue throughout.
Although some anal beads can be inserted and removed like a dildo, they are usually attached to a string that can be inserted one at a time, removed, and then reinserted.
Design variations exist for anal beads, too. There are strands where the beads are spaced apart and others where they are placed near one another. With each insertion and removal, the sphincter muscles will contract.
Check out these other facts and tips on anal beads, including tips on using them.
– Make sure you’re only using anal beads that were designed for that purpose 
It’s easy for things to get lost in your butt as opposed to the vagina. In most cases, anal beads have a flared handle or loop to make removal easier. Also, you should only be using body-friendly materials. It is crucial to have either a flared base or loop for removal since they decrease the risk of anything becoming stuck. It’s not ideal to end up in the ER, especially nowadays.
– Choose a beginner-friendly gear
If you’re just starting with anal beads, go for one that’s relatively thin if you want to make a great first impression.
You may have bigger eyes than your anus when trying out new toys. An anal bead set usually starts small and gradually increases in size with each successive bead. You can experiment with three or four beads that are small to medium in size. It makes the insertion process easier and more pleasant. It’s better not to promise something your anus cannot deliver.
You may also advance to a toy that has beads of the same size or random sizes as you progress. Adding vibrations or changing shapes can be exciting for some people.
– It’s important that you know you’re not required to use the entire anal beads toy
It doesn’t have to be used in its entirety. When shopping for anal beads, and you dislike the fact that they’re way too long, keep in mind that you don’t have to stuff the entire thing into your bum. Alternatively, you may want to use just the first or second beads if that’s better for you.
– Lube is essential 
Because your anus does not produce its lubrication, “quality lube” is important with anal beads. When it comes to anal play, many people choose silicone-based lubes. However, if you are using silicone beads, use a water-based lube.
The anus does not have its own lubrication system. As far as butt stuff goes, it helps if you put more lube on it.
Even though silicone lube is usually better at lubricating butt stuff than water-based lube, silicone lube will not be suitable for silicone anal beads (which is largely what anal beads are made from), as it will degrade the material.
You want a water-based lubricant that is anal play-specific and can be used with silicone toys.
Or you could reverse the process and buy an anal bead that is compatible with silicone lubes (such as a glass or steel one).
– Silicone is a good choice
Because silicone is nonporous, it doesn’t retain bacteria and is safe and gentle on your skin. Although stainless steel is non-porous as well, silicone is usually a more user-friendly option for beginners.
In addition to being body-safe, nonporous, and easy to clean, it’s also the most convenient. All you need for cleaning silicone is a mild soapy solution and lukewarm water.
– You’ll have to decide between rigid and flexible strands
Although it may seem that soft strands are easier to insert, rigid strands work better. A softer strand of beads will need to be pressed into place with your finger, while rigid strands can be pushed into place simply by pushing on the end stopper.
– Try it on your own first
By doing so, you can better determine what works for you and what doesn’t. In the shower, you can rub your butt or add a lubricated finger while masturbating. Try squeezing and relaxing your internal and external sphincters around one lubricated finger to learn how they work.
Anal beads alone are a good first step for beginners. It’s always a good idea to test something out for yourself first, to see how it works for you. It’s much easier to focus when you’re alone. If you try it with someone, make sure everyone has talked about it ahead of time to make sure you both feel comfortable.
– Do not rush into anything
You shouldn’t jump to penetration right away. Try to make your anus tingle before diving in. Breathe slowly and deeply. Be sure that the beads won’t hurt you as you insert them. At first, it might seem strange since you’re used to getting in and out in only one direction. But it is crucial to discern between strange sensations and unpleasant feelings.
– Take them with you in the shower
If you’re hesitant about any potential mess, this is a safe way to experiment with anal beads. Use silicone lube and be sure to use a good one.
As it is bad to put silicone on silicone, you will want to use a condom over those anal beads. Another option is to have a toy made from steel or glass. Both materials allow for temperature-dependent play.
– There is probably more you want to do with beads than using them alone
The beads can technically be put in and removed as you please. However, they are usually used during foreplay, oral sex, or penetrating sex.
The best thing you can do before inserting the beads is to rub them against the perineum (that area between the genitals and anus) of your partner. You can get used to the sensation by gently rubbing and massaging the beads here.
Experiment with a variety of anal beads, too. Material choice also affects the sensation. In addition to providing more rigidity and temperature sensitivity, glass anal beads can warm up along with your body. But, silicone anal beads can provide more flexibility than steel or glass anal beads and they have more elasticity to them. Vibration is also a great addition.
– Communicate when using them with someone
With these, feedback is critical so your partner knows how much to push, how much pressure to apply, and how to adjust. As a rule, if something doesn’t feel right, speak up right away.
– Sanitize it thoroughly afterwards
You have a lot of bacteria on your butt, and yes, those bacteria will make their way onto your beads. Poop lives there as well, so let’s not pretend it doesn’t exist. You and your partner both know it does.
Because of the bacteria inside the rectum, sanitizing is very important. The right cleaning is essential, as STIs can be transmitted quite easily.
Beads need to be washed in warm soapy water after every use, and they should be allowed to dry before being stored. Make sure to disinfect the lube bottle after using the beads too.
It’s also possible to mix a weak bleach solution by pouring 1:9 parts of bleach into the water, letting the toy sit in the solution, and then rinsing the toy in warm water and gently soaping.
Cleaning them regularly is a good idea in either case.