When you are pregnant, you will need to adjust a lot about your lifestyle to get the healthiest for you and your unborn child. Now that you’re pregnant, you have to watch your caffeine intake and eat sushi with caution. On top of that, you may be researching other everyday activities to determine if they’re safe during pregnancy. Surely you would want to take the best possible care of your body! The fact is, you’re growing a whole new person inside of you.
Hormone levels fall and rise daily during pregnancy, causing some women to become horny. Especially when you’re feeling particularly frisky, you’re eager to get off as soon as possible (and with as much pleasure) as you can. Utilizing a vibrator is one way to do so. But some parents-to-be worried about using vibrators while pregnant.
There probably aren’t a lot of differences in your reasons for using a vibrator while pregnant compared to before your baby bump appeared. One thing is for sure, thinking about sexual pleasure is fine when you are carrying a child. Your body deserves to feel good and to be listened to.
You may not have a partner or your partner is not available. It might be helpful to add battery-operated assistance if your belly inhibits simulation. Alternatively, you may seek orgasmic pleasure while avoiding physical contact, just like I do.
If you are carrying a baby, these reasons alone or in combination may convince you that using a vibrating device is a good idea. However, is this the case?
Is using a vibrator while pregnant safe?
If you’re not experiencing any complications due to pregnancy, then using a vibrator is perfectly safe. You can discuss vibrators and sex toys with your doctor. In case your doctor isn’t prepared to have this conversation with you, it would be best to find another practitioner who takes a more sex-positive view of healthcare.
Here is what you need to know about vibrators if you’re expecting a baby:
1. Consult your doctor first to ensure you won’t have any complications
Seeing the doctor should not be an embarrassing experience. A physician is the best person to ask. In the case of any complications, such as placenta previa or ruptured membranes, vibrators are not recommended. How should we go about determining this? Ask your doctor if you need to.
2. If you’re not experiencing any complications, it’s okay
If your doctor has not placed you on pelvic rest (that is, no vaginal contact, including a penis, vibrator, etc.) for medical purposes (including placenta previa, preterm labour, and cervical incompetence), you can vibe along.
3. Myth: Using external clitoral vibration is not “safer” than using internal vibration
There is nothing wrong with either type of vibe. If you choose to use a pregnancy vibrator, it is up to your preference. There is no specific model to look for.
4. Some sex toys have certain characteristics
The right design details are useful for navigating your bump, including features like offset handles, hands-free toys, remote controls, and tethered toys.
5. Use of a vibrator shouldn’t disrupt your baby
Don’t worry about waking up your fetus or bothering them with vibrations! Using a vibrating device won’t hurt the baby. Within your uterus are a fluid-filled sac and a muscle called the myometrium. The layers are endless.
If your cervix has already opened up, then things could be a little uncomfortable for your baby. Otherwise, if you’ve been cleared for preterm labour, things should be okay for you and your baby.
6. Having sex while pregnant isn’t that different from using a vibrator
Foreplay, orgasms, and sexual activity during pregnancy are healthy and normal. A dildo moving within the vagina and hitting the cervix is no different from a penis performing the same action.
7. You might even benefit from it!
Additionally, using a vibrator to attain orgasm could improve your relationship. Orgasm produces oxytocin (often referred to as “the love hormone”) that triggers maternal instincts, emotional thoughts, and bonding. Feelings like these both during pregnancy and after delivery are crucial to maintaining a healthy relationship. However, even without a partner, oxytocin still just raises your mood.
8. Keep your vibrator clean
You still run the risk of infection if your vibrator is dirty and contaminated. The overgrowth of bacteria in the vaginal area of a pregnant woman can cause preterm labour.
It is more common for pregnant women to develop UTIs due to hormonal changes and uterine pressure. As a result, mothers with UTIs during pregnancy are at a higher risk for preterm labour, and for this reason, women whose urine contains bacteria at screening visits are often treated with antibiotics even if they are asymptomatic.
If you want to avoid UTIs, wash your toys well before using them and pee after using them, just like you would after sex.
When is it unsafe to use a vibrator while pregnant?
In the same way that having any kind of sex during pregnancy is unsafe, vibrator use during pregnancy would be unsafe as well.
A placenta previa, for example, makes inserting anything into the vagina unsafe because of the location of the placenta. These conditions are rare but always speak to your doctor if you have any questions.
You should avoid vibrators if you are pregnant with multiples, have already had a premature birth, are at risk for preterm labour, or have other pre-existing conditions. However, even if you are using a clitoral vibrator that does not penetrate your vagina, it is still a no-no, as it is the orgasm that makes you experience discomfort.
Orgasms release chemicals called prostaglandins, which can cause contractions of the uterine muscle. In women with a predisposition to preterm labour and previous preterm contractions episodes, orgasms should be avoided due to the possibility of recurrence.
There are conditions like premature cervical dilation and cervical incompetence that can contribute to the cervix being slightly open. If you use a vibrator, you run the risk of rupturing the membranes or causing infection by introducing bacteria high up into the cervix. Hence, the infection can lead to premature birth or even infection of the baby.
What type of vibrator is safe to use during pregnancy?
Find a vibrator to use on your pregnant body if you are interested. Toys with long handles can help with reaching. If you prefer, you can insert these or use them clitorally. Vibrators that are easy to position and don’t need much movement are also recommended.
Use a pure silicone vibrator with no phthalates, as any toy containing phthalates hasn’t been thoroughly researched to determine how they will react with pregnant bodies.
Also, it is important to use only water-based lubricant with a silicone toy to prevent a chemical reaction that can ruin the toy. If you insert anything too long or too hard, you may experience discomfort during pregnancy, so be aware of what your body is telling you.